Aircooled VW

Тема у розділі 'Клубне життя', створена користувачем ozvalds, 27 тра 2009.

  1. ozvalds

    ozvalds Початківець

    Beetle '74 ;Variant '72
  2. Rules

    Rules Аксакал

    Passat B4 2.0AGG
    Lanos 1.5
    Forester SH TURBO
    Клубна карта:
    premium A-95 0.85$\L,
    normal A-92 0.81$\L
  3. ozvalds

    ozvalds Початківець

    Beetle '74 ;Variant '72
  4. Sasa

    Sasa Аксакал

    Country Power
    Клубна карта:
    Sorry to say but we have only several campings in Ukraine and none of them are located in Lviv or in Western Ukraine.
    Here is the list:

    However you may deploy your tent on every forest near a road. :)
    What do you mean "Aircooled bug"? If you meant an old VW Beatle then I suppose noone have such technic in our city, and suppose in whole Ukraine.
    Also here was a NewBeetle club, but as I see something went wrong and they gone somewhere

    Anyway, welcome to Lviv!

    If any assistance is required just let us know.
  5. Rules

    Rules Аксакал

    Passat B4 2.0AGG
    Lanos 1.5
    Forester SH TURBO
    Клубна карта:
    There are many campings in the Crimea(near the Black sea). They are marked in the tourist atlas of crimea. also i have version of this atlas for Oziexplorer(PC,PDA)
  6. ozvalds

    ozvalds Початківець

    Beetle '74 ;Variant '72
    Yes, I mean VW Kaefer '74 ( but only outside, engine is complete tuned, till 1700ccm , Dellorto DRLA 36 double carbs, ENGLE sports cam,MAHLE forged pistons etc., aprox 100HP, built especially for mountains of Norway - see pics.)
    Plan to go this year to european mountains like Tatry, through Poland to Slovakia and with sidewalk in Ukraine - Lviv ! Hear from my friends bikers that is very nice place to see - want to see myself !
    Some activities from our watercooled friends here
    Останнє редагування: 27 тра 2009
  7. Rules

    Rules Аксакал

    Passat B4 2.0AGG
    Lanos 1.5
    Forester SH TURBO
    Клубна карта:
    This is true

    А круто було б якби він попав до нас на зїзд(і я б напевно нарешті вперше зявився).
  8. ozvalds

    ozvalds Початківець

    Beetle '74 ;Variant '72
    Trip 27 JUL - 7 AUG , Lviv aprox 30 JUL - 1AUG ... but ...I'm not a railway train ...any shit on the road can happens :cool:
  9. ozvalds

    ozvalds Початківець

    Beetle '74 ;Variant '72
    P.S. Still EU car insurance valid in UA ?
  10. Sasa

    Sasa Аксакал

    Country Power
    Клубна карта:
    Think that it does not, but not sure.

    Товариш цікавиться чи на Україні діє страховка з євросоюзу
  11. scirocco

    scirocco Аксакал

    VW Scirocco GT 1988 KR VW Scirocco GL 1982 EG VW Mazda 3 MPS 2009 VW UAZ 469 VW GAZ 69 and others vw's
    Клубна карта:
    Hi ozvalds, you all right, but it must be a "Green card" - special insuranse to cover you responsibility in foreign coutries. It kind is valid in all-europeinian countries. If you interessing about CASCO insuranse, the answer is in your insuranse agreement - a different kinds can be, is like a option.

    Good luck and tell about your visit to Ukraine early please ;).
  12. ozvalds

    ozvalds Початківець

    Beetle '74 ;Variant '72
    Thank You!
    Allready have Green Card insurance as daily is obligate in EU... hope , the same is valid in UA too...
    Some pics from Finland Aircooled VW Seasons Opening 2009
  13. scirocco

    scirocco Аксакал

    VW Scirocco GT 1988 KR VW Scirocco GL 1982 EG VW Mazda 3 MPS 2009 VW UAZ 469 VW GAZ 69 and others vw's
    Клубна карта:
    Yes, UA is member of Green Card community over 15 years, is a first country of ex-ussr enjoyed to system of international car insurance. For example, Russia do it only in 2009 :)

    P.S. Nise beatles and nice ideas!
    Останнє редагування: 8 чер 2009
  14. ozvalds

    ozvalds Початківець

    Beetle '74 ;Variant '72
    Have interest on Aircooled VW ?
    It's not only ideas, these finnish bugs made 1/4mile in 10.6 sec best time !!!
    Can help with info about What is What, How To, Where to Buy etc.
    My bug only 19.1 ...:boredom:
    But... my is build for long distances, not I said before...see up ...
    Останнє редагування: 8 чер 2009
  15. scirocco

    scirocco Аксакал

    VW Scirocco GT 1988 KR VW Scirocco GL 1982 EG VW Mazda 3 MPS 2009 VW UAZ 469 VW GAZ 69 and others vw's
    Клубна карта:
    :shok: Fu@$#k!

    I thing if you will create (or continue here) a trhead with beetle-facts, beetle-pics and beetle-links in our forum it can be a good idea ;) Not only me can be interessed.
  16. ozvalds

    ozvalds Початківець

    Beetle '74 ;Variant '72
    You're always welcome !!!
    Btw if You have time and little money, you can visit Baltic together with me (on my return way from UA) and we'll come direct to Estonian VW big fest (second weekend of AUG) near Parnu, on island Kihnu ...160km north from Riga... At first time kind of car is not important...all times soul&heart is important!!!
    No visas, no borders , no problem, only gas costs...tent and sleeping bags...
    Crazy brave people...!!:good:
    Останнє редагування: 9 чер 2009
    • Подобається Подобається x 1
  17. scirocco

    scirocco Аксакал

    VW Scirocco GT 1988 KR VW Scirocco GL 1982 EG VW Mazda 3 MPS 2009 VW UAZ 469 VW GAZ 69 and others vw's
    Клубна карта:
    Coool... Thank You and I need short time for make a main decision and propose it to my friends.
  18. ozvalds

    ozvalds Початківець

    Beetle '74 ;Variant '72
    Suppose , you have almost two month to think, decide, prepare, find sponsors...
    Plan B-
    You can visit Latvian Big VW meeting 24-26 JUL in Liepaja (westcoast at Baltic sea, our Fest as part of Baltic Beach Party event!!!)
    and than go home ..with me as my Susanin on the road down to UA ...:man_in_love:
    Останнє редагування: 9 чер 2009
  19. Sasa

    Sasa Аксакал

    Country Power
    Клубна карта:
    May be for you.. but for us visas are required and there are borders on our way.. or may be I did not get you.
    When are you going to visit Baltic and fest? Any dates? Its ineresting and I would consider it with my wife.
  20. ozvalds

    ozvalds Початківець

    Beetle '74 ;Variant '72
    If You income Poland ( out of UA, hope no visas to PL) , there are NO more check points on your way, NO border soldiers, NO any official people who wants to ask who you are and why you are there, nobody have interest on your person more ...till Finnland, Norway...and Latvia , of course...
    Only non-stoled car, valid car insurance, (for probably road police control due overspeeding on highway:pardon:) your person pass...and thats it...nothing more...
    datas of Aircooled VW festivals
    LV 24 - 26 JUL 2009 Liepaja
    EST 7 - 9 AUG 2009 Parnu
    Останнє редагування: 9 чер 2009

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