
Зображення Заголовок Текст
Smile Smile :) :-) (:
Sad Sad :sad: :(
Wink Wink ;) :wink:
Facepalm Facepalm :facepalm:
uaflag uaflag :uaflag:
uanew uanew :uanew:
upa upa :bandera:
rock rock :rock: :metal:
Dntknw Dntknw :dntknw: :unknown:
Dirol Dirol :dirol:
ololo ololo :)))
Cool Cool :cools: :coolman:
blush blush :blush:
Air Kiss Air Kiss :air_kiss:
Crazy Crazy :crazy: :crazyman:
Haha Haha :haha: :)))) :rolf:
Drinks Drinks :drinks:
mocking mocking :mocking:
Bad Bad :bad:
Yahoo Yahoo :yahoo:
cry cry :cry: :cray:
tongue tongue :tongue: :blum2: :blum: :-p :-P
Shok Shok о_О
Hi Hi :hi:
diablo diablo diablo:
Suicide Suicide :suicide:
scratch_one-s_head scratch_one-s_head :scratch_one-s_head:
Good Good :good:
Dance3 Dance3 :dance3:
Pardon Pardon :pardon:
bye bye :bye2:
Confused Confused :confused:
Cool Cool :cool: 8-)
Eek! Eek! :eek: :o
Oops! Oops! :oops:
Roll Eyes Roll Eyes :rolleyes:
Cofee Cofee :cofee:
fu fu :fu:
Girl Angel Girl Angel :girl_angel:
Give Heart Give Heart :give_heart:
windie windie :windie:
smokedup smokedup :smokedup:
Acute Acute :acute:
Aggressive Aggressive :aggressive:
Angel Angel :angel:
Beach Beach :beach:
Beee Beee :beee:
Boast Boast :boast:
music music :music: :rlf:
Boredom Boredom :boredom:
Clapping Clapping :clapping:
morning morning :morning1: :morning: :morning2:
Dance4 Dance4 :dance4:
Dash1 Dash1 :dash1:
Derisive Derisive :derisive:
Don T Mention Don T Mention :don-t_mention:
Download Download :download:
Drag Drag :drag:
Fool Fool :fool:
Friends Friends :friends:
Girl Witch Girl Witch :girl_witch:
Good2 Good2 :good2:
Man In Love Man In Love :man_in_love:
Hang1 Hang1 :hang1: :hang:
Heart Heart :heart:
Help Help :help:
Hunter Hunter :hunter:
I M So Happy I M So Happy :i-m_so_happy: :i_am_so_happy:
mad mad :ireful1: :mad: >:( :@ :insane:
Kiss Kiss :kiss:
Laugh1 Laugh1 :laugh1:
Lazy Lazy :lazy:
Lol Lol :lol:
Mda Mda :mda:
Meeting Meeting :meeting:
Nea Nea :nea:
Negative Negative :negative:
Give Rose Give Rose :give_rose:
Not I Not I :not_i:
Ok Ok :ok:
Pleasantry Pleasantry :pleasantry:
Popcorm1 Popcorm1 :popcorm1:
Preved Preved :preved: :greeting:
Punish Punish :punish:
Read Read :read:
russian_ru russian_ru :russian_ru:
Russian Russian :russian:
Sarcastic Hand Sarcastic Hand :sarcastic_hand:
Scare Scare :scare:
bomb bomb :bomb:
Shout Shout :shout:
Skull Skull :skull:
Smoke Smoke :smoke:
Snooks Snooks :snooks:
Sorry Sorry :sorry:
Superman2 Superman2 :superman2:
Superstition Superstition :superstition:
Swoon2 Swoon2 :swoon2:
nyam nyam :nyam2: :nyam1: :nyam:
Taunt Taunt :taunt:
Tease Tease :tease:
Thank You Thank You :thank_you:
tormoz tormoz :tormoz:
Victory Victory :victory:
Vinsent Vinsent :vinsent: :maf:
Wacko Wacko :wacko: %)
flag of truce flag of truce :flag of truce:
Yes Yes :yes:
kambek kambek :kambek:
Welcome Welcome :welcome:
ThankYou ThankYou :ThankYou:
а де твій аватар? :)